BALUG: no Dec. meeting & other BALUG bits
items, details further below:
2013-12 no BALUG meeting; next BALUG meetings 2014-01-21, ...
BALUG "announce" list
volunteering to help BALUG
2013-12 no BALUG meeting in December. We typically skip December.
Happy Holidays! We generally meet 3rd Tuesdays, mark your calendars!:
2014-01-21 2014-02-18 2014-03-18 2014-04-15 2014-05-20 2014-06-17
2014-07-15 2014-08-19 2014-09-16 2014-10-21 2014-11-18 ...
BALUG "announce" list
Want to be sure and catch important BALUG news/announcements? It is
also a "low volume" list (generally maximum of 3 emails per month, and
sometimes as few as only one). Consider subscribing directly so you
receive them in a timely manner and don't miss any such announcements.
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring ideas!)
BALUG TOMORROW!: Tu 2013-11-19; & other BALUG News
items, details further below:
2013-11-19: BALUG meeting!
"slides" from: 2013-10-15: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph: Code Review for
Systems Administrators
giveaways (CDs/DVDs, stickers, ...)
volunteering to help BALUG (and add to your resume/experience)
For our 2013-11-19 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicize the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past six or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover Linux and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on lINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 2013-11-19
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue).
"slides" from: 2013-10-15: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph: Code Review for
Systems Administrators
Missed last month's meeting, or want to have another look at the
"slides"? Have a peek at excerpts below:
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:43:32 -0700
> From: "Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph" <lyz(a)>
> Tu 2013-10-15: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph: Code Review for Systems
> Administrators; & other BALUG News
> To: balug-talk(a)
> Thanks to everyone who came out to the talk tonight!
> Slides are online here:
> And the patch for the spelling error that was found in infrastructure
> docs during the talk is now in code review:
We typically have various giveaway items at BALUG meetings. We'll
likely have at least the below plus additional items.
CDs/DVDs/ISOs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details (and the inventory
(qty.) of what we specifically have "burned" and available on-hand does
also frequently change).
Stickers - we've quite a number of Linux and more-or-less related
Hardware? We may also have some hardware to give away at this meeting.
volunteering to help BALUG (and add to your resume/experience)
Not only can you do useful and cool stuff volunteering to help BALUG,
but it can also be a way to gain useful and practical experience, and
could also be something to add to or round out one's resume.
There a quite a variety of opportunities to help BALUG. Come talk to us
at a meeting and/or drop us a note at:
These opportunities may include, among other possibilities:
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o assist on publicity
o chief/assistant cat herder
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o webmaster, assistant webmaster, designer, graphic artist
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to suggest ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
BALUG Tu 2013-07-16 Linux & Virtual Machines, etc. - Michael Paoli; &
other BALUG items
items, details further below:
2013-07-16: BALUG: Linux & Virtual Machines, etc. - Michael Paoli
Books!, CDs/DVDs/ISOs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Debian meeting, 20th birthday/anniversary celebration (and fundraiser)
volunteering to help BALUG
For our 2013-07-16 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Linux & Virtual Machines, etc. - Michael Paoli
Michael Paoli will be giving presentation and demonstration of virtual
machine (VM) technologies. This will include information on and
demonstrations with qemu-kvm[1], qemu[2], libvirt[3] and
VirtualBox[4], and also information on Xen[5], VMware[6] and
additional virtualization technologies and possibly additional
demonstration bits.
Michael Paoli has been administering virtual machines on Linux for over
5 years, including VMware, Xen, KVM/qemu-kvm/QEMU and VirtualBox, and
has used virtual machine technologies and virtual technologies many
additional years. He's been administering Linux for 15 years, Unix for
over a quarter century, and first used Unix about a third of a century
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 2013-07-16
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
Books!, CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
Nagios: Building Enterprise-Grade Monitoring Infrastructures for
Systems and Networks, 2nd Edition
MySQL, 5th Edition
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition
Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration
Thanks to Pearson's User Group program for providing these review
copies. Details on these books, please see:
CDs/DVDs/ISOs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We typically also have at least a few other items up for grabs.
Debian - meeting, 20th birthday/anniversary celebration (and fundraiser)
at the next Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting 2013-08-14, see:
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
Reminder: BALUG this evening!: Tu 2013-06-18 BALUG meeting; & other
BALUG items
items, details further below:
2013-06-18: BALUG meeting!
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
For our 2013-06-18 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicize the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past six or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover LINUX and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on LINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 2013-06-18
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We typically also have at least a few other items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
BALUG TOMORROW! Tu 2013-06-18 BALUG meeting; & other BALUG items
items, details further below:
2013-06-18: BALUG meeting!
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
For our 2013-06-18 BALUG meeting, at least presently we don't have a
specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting, but that
doesn't prevent us from having interesting and exciting meetings.
Sometimes we also manage to secure/confirm a speaker too late for us to
announce or fully publicize the speaker (that's happened at least twice
in the past six or so years). Got questions, answers, and/or
opinions? We typically have some expert(s) and/or relative expert(s)
present to cover LINUX and related topic areas. Want to hear some
interesting discussions on LINUX and other topics? Show up at the
meeting, and feel free to bring an agenda if you wish. Want to help
ensure BALUG has speakers/presentations lined up for future meetings?
Help refer speakers to us and/or volunteer to be one of the speaker
coordinators. Good food, good people, and interesting conversations to
be had.
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 2013-06-18
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy
family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping
to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We typically also have at least a few other items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
reminder: BALUG Tu 2013-05-21: EFF's Seth David Schoen: HTTPS
Everywhere, SSL Observatory, ...; & other BALUG bits
items, details further below:
2013-05-21: EFF's Seth David Schoen on HTTPS deployment, HTTPS
Everywhere and SSL Observatory
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2013-05-21
For our 2013-05-21 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Seth David Schoen[1] (Wikipedia entry)[2], Senior Staff Technologist[3]
for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)[4]:
Seth will be giving a presentation/talk about HTTPS deployment and
EFF's HTTPS Everywhere[5] and SSL Observatory[6] projects.
HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox and Chrome extension that encrypts your
communications with many major websites, making your browsing more
SSL Observatory is a project to investigate the certificates used to
secure all of the sites encrypted with HTTPS on the Web. We have
downloaded datasets of all of the publicly-visible SSL certificates on
the IPv4 Internet, in order to search for vulnerabilities, document the
practices of Certificate Authorities, and aid researchers interested
the web's encryption infrastructure.
Seth has been actively involved in discussing digital copyright law and
encryption since the 1990s. He is an expert in trusted computing. In
2008, Seth collaborated with a Princeton research group led by Edward
Felten that discovered a vulnerability of DRAM that undermined the
basic assumptions of computer encryption security. In 2005, Schoen led
a small research team at EFF to decode the tiny tracking dots hidden in
the printouts of some laser printers.
EFF was founded in 1990 and continues to confront cutting-edge issues
defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today.
Blending the expertise of lawyers, policy analysts, activists, and
technologists, EFF achieves significant victories on behalf of
consumers and the general public. EFF fights for freedom primarily in
the courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even when that means taking
on the US government or large corporations. From the beginning, EFF
has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting
digital rights. EFF is a donor-funded nonprofit and depends on your
support to continue successfully defending your digital rights.
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 2013-05-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of
$13 cash or more, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a
yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such as treating our speakers to dinner).
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We've typically also have at least a few other items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
BALUG Tu 2013-05-21: EFF's Seth David Schoen: HTTPS Everywhere, SSL
Observatory, ...; & other BALUG News
items, details further below:
2013-05-21: EFF's Seth David Schoen on HTTPS deployment, HTTPS
Everywhere and SSL Observatory
Since our last meeting:
released: Debian 7.0 "Wheezy" & Ubuntu 13.04
(mini-)installfests and school installfest
Got local Linux/Open Source calendars/listings?
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2013-05-21
For our 2013-05-21 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Seth David Schoen[1] (Wikipedia entry)[2], Senior Staff Technologist[3]
for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)[4]:
Seth will be giving a presentation/talk about HTTPS deployment and
EFF's HTTPS Everywhere[5] and SSL Observatory[6] projects.
HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox and Chrome extension that encrypts your
communications with many major websites, making your browsing more
SSL Observatory is a project to investigate the certificates used to
secure all of the sites encrypted with HTTPS on the Web. We have
downloaded datasets of all of the publicly-visible SSL certificates on
the IPv4 Internet, in order to search for vulnerabilities, document the
practices of Certificate Authorities, and aid researchers interested
the web's encryption infrastructure.
Seth has been actively involved in discussing digital copyright law and
encryption since the 1990s. He is an expert in trusted computing. In
2008, Seth collaborated with a Princeton research group led by Edward
Felten that discovered a vulnerability of DRAM that undermined the
basic assumptions of computer encryption security. In 2005, Schoen led
a small research team at EFF to decode the tiny tracking dots hidden in
the printouts of some laser printers.
EFF was founded in 1990 and continues to confront cutting-edge issues
defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today.
Blending the expertise of lawyers, policy analysts, activists, and
technologists, EFF achieves significant victories on behalf of
consumers and the general public. EFF fights for freedom primarily in
the courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even when that means taking
on the US government or large corporations. From the beginning, EFF
has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting
digital rights. EFF is a donor-funded nonprofit and depends on your
support to continue successfully defending your digital rights.
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 2013-05-21
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of
$13 cash or more, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a
yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such as treating our speakers to dinner).
Since our last meeting: released:
on 2013-05-04: Debian 7.0 "Wheezy" [1]
on 2013-04-25: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)[2] (non-LTS)
And (mini-)installfests[3][4][5] school installfest[6].
Got local (Linux/Open Source) calendars/listings?
The BALE -- Bay Area Linux Events[1]
Google Calendar: SF Bay Area Open Source/Linux Events[2]
(SVLUG's) Other (Linux, Unix, Software, etc.) Local Groups[3]
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We've typically also have at least a few other items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
reminder*: BALUG TOMORROW Tu 2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation; & other
*plus some updates/corrections
items, details further below:
2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation
2013-05-21: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Seth David Schoen
2013-03-19: "slides" from: Stefano Maffulli (OpenStack)
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2013-04-16
For our 2013-04-16 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Wikimedia Foundation[1]
Come hear from Daniel Zahn[2] (DevOps) and Quim Gil[3] (Technical
Contributor Coordinator) of the Wikimedia Foundation on topics such as:
o how the Wikimedia infrastructure is run
o what technologies are Wikimedia relying on and contributing to
o how the Wikimedia sysadmin team and the community at large interact
o about other areas where Linux & free software lovers are welcome
The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organization that operates
Wikipedia[4] and other free knowledge projects[5]. Together these
sites are the fifth most visited web property in the world. The
Wikimedia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
The Wikimedia Foundation's mission is to empower a global volunteer
community to collect and develop the world's knowledge and to make it
available to everyone for free, for any purpose.
Wikipedia is the world's largest and most popular encyclopedia. It is
online, free to use for any purpose, and free of advertising. Wikipedia
contains more than 25 million volunteer-authored articles in over 285
languages, and is visited by more than 488 million people every month,
making it one of the most popular sites in the world.
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, April 16th, 2012 2013-04-16
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of
$13 cash or more, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a
yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such as treating our speakers to dinner).
For our 2013-05-21 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Seth David Schoen
2013-03-19: "slides" from: Stefano Maffulli (OpenStack)
Missed last month's talk/presentation at BALUG or want to have a look
over the "slides" from that presentation? Have a peek here:
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We've also got at least a few other miscellaneous items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
BALUG Tu 2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation; & other BALUG News
items, details further below:
2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation
2013-05-21: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Seth David Schoen
2013-03-19: "slides" from: Stefano Maffulli (OpenStack)
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2013-04-16
For our 2013-04-16 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Wikimedia Foundation[1]
Come hear from Ryan Lane[2] (DevOps), Daniel Zahn[3] (DevOps) and
Quim Gil[4] (Technical Contributor Coordinator) of the Wikimedia
Foundation on topics such as:
o how the Wikimedia infrastructure is run
o what technologies are Wikimedia relying on and contributing to
o how the Wikimedia sysadmin team and the community at large interact
o about other areas where Linux & free software lovers are welcome
The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organization that operates
Wikipedia[5] and other free knowledge projects[6]. Together these
sites are the fifth most visited web property in the world. The
Wikimedia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
The Wikimedia Foundation's mission is to empower a global volunteer
community to collect and develop the world's knowledge and to make it
available to everyone for free, for any purpose.
Wikipedia is the world's largest and most popular encyclopedia. It is
online, free to use for any purpose, and free of advertising. Wikipedia
contains more than 25 million volunteer-authored articles in over 285
languages, and is visited by more than 488 million people every month,
making it one of the most popular sites in the world.
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, April 16th, 2012 2013-04-16
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of
$13 cash or more, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a
yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such as treating our speakers to dinner).
For our 2013-04-16 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) - Seth David Schoen
2013-03-19: "slides" from: Stefano Maffulli (OpenStack)
Missed last month's talk/presentation at BALUG or want to have a look
over the "slides" from that presentation? Have a peek here:
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We've also got at least a few other miscellaneous items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
BALUG TOMORROW: Tu 2013-03-19: Stefano Maffulli on OpenStack;
2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation; & other BALUG News
REMINDER, or in case you didn't see it earlier:
BALUG TOMORROW Tu 2013-03-19: Stefano Maffulli on OpenStack
items, details further below:
BALUG TOMORROW Tu 2013-03-19: Stefano Maffulli on OpenStack
BALUG Tu 2013-04-16: Wikimedia Foundation
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
volunteering to help BALUG
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2013-03-19
For our 2013-03-19 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
Stefano Maffulli[1] on OpenStack[2] - Open source software for building
private and public clouds.
Stafano's talk/presentation to include at least:
An overview of OpenStack
The history of the project, how it started, what problems it tries to
solve, who's participating in the development of OpenStack and where
the OpenStack Foundation[3] wants to take it.
About OpenStack:
OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing
technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing
platform for public and private clouds. The project aims to deliver
solutions for all types of clouds by being simple to implement,
massively scalable, and feature rich. The technology consists of a
series of interrelated projects[4] delivering various components for a
cloud infrastructure solution.
About Stefano Maffulli:
As OpenStack community manager, Stefano built his career around Free
Software and open source: from pre-sales engineer and product manager
at Italian GNU/Linux distribution MadeInLinux[5] to Italian Chancellor
of the Free Software Foundation Europe[6], where he also created the
FSFE Fellowship participation program. Later as community manager of
leading mobile open source sync solution Funambol[7], his efforts
boosted downloads and bolstered enterprise contributions. For
Twitter[8], he led efforts to expand in the Italian market. In his
spare time, he builds furniture and is learning how to sail in the San
Francisco Bay.
If you have a specific request or question for Stefano to cover, mention
it on the BALUG-Talk List[9][10], or drop me a note at
<Michael.Paoli(a)> and I'll pass it along.
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help
BALUG and the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and meeting, and with
sufficient attendance, they also help ensure that we'll be able to eat
upstairs in the private banquet room.
Meeting Details...
Tuesday, March 19th, 2012 2013-03-19
Four Seas Restaurant
731 Grant Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of
$13 cash or more, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a
yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift
also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
defray BALUG costs such as treating our speakers to dinner).
For our 2013-04-16 BALUG meeting, we're proud to present:
The Wikimedia Foundation[1]
The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization
dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of
free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these
wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia
Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited
reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia[2], a top-ten
internet property.
CDs/DVDs, and other "door prizes", etc.
Goodies we'll have at the BALUG meeting (at least the following):
CDs/DVDs, etc. - have a peek here:
We may also be able to "burn" images per request or copy to USB flash,
etc. Donations of blank or +-RW media, USB flash, or funding thereof,
also appreciated. See the above URL for details.
We've also got at least a few other miscellaneous items up for grabs.
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities*
Drop us a note at:
Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting.
o assist on publicity
o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o webmastering
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators).
o chief/assistant cat herder
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or
would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org