BALUG: no Dec. meeting, next meeting 2013-01-15 & other news
items, details further below: 2012-12 no BALUG meeting BALUG "announce" list next BALUG meetings 2013-01-15, ... 2012-12 other Linux stuff Twitter!/BALUG_org volunteering to help BALUG
2012-12 no BALUG meeting in December. We typically skip December. Happy Holidays! And as for next BALUG meetings and other Linux things to do in December, read further below.
BALUG "announce" list Want to be sure and catch important BALUG news/announcements? It is also a "low volume" list (generally maximum of 3 emails per month, and sometimes as few as only one). Consider subscribing directly so you don't miss any such announcements and they're emailed to you in a timely manner.
next BALUG meeting is 2013-01-15. We generally meet 3rd Tuesdays. So, why not go ahead and note the dates on your 2013 calendar now? :-) 2013-01-15 2013-02-19* 2013-03-19 2013-04-16 2013-05-21 2013-06-18 2013-07-16 2013-08-20 2013-09-17 2013-10-15 2013-11-19 ... *we sometimes need to adjust our February date - watch our "announce" list for details/updates and/or check our web site
2012-12 other Linux stuff Missing and wanting to have more Linux in December? Maybe even in San Francisco with Chinese food? You may want to check out some of these items:
Bay Area Debian (BAD) (unofficial) meetup Wed. Dec. 5th at Henry's Hunan (Natoma) SF 7pm
And immediately preceding the above and highly conveniently close by: Ubuntu Hour 6-7pm
San Francisco Linux Users' Group (SF-LUG) first Sundays 11a-1p & third Mondays 6p-8p
Noisebridge - among other things, has many Linux, Open Source, computer/digital/electronics/hardware and related events/activities, many of them weekly.
new group/meeting: Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - first meeting Dec. 1 3-4pm
And probably some other events/meetings I've forgotten to include or don't have details on quite at my fingertips.
And, as soon as you start missing "Hey, those other groups and meetups generally don't have a speaker/presentation!" - we generally *do* have that at BALUG - along with Chinese food, etc.
Twitter - you can also follow BALUG on Twitter:!/BALUG_org
volunteering to help BALUG
Want to volunteer to help out BALUG? Quite a variety of opportunities* Drop us a note at: Or come talk to us at a BALUG meeting. *e.g.: o assist on publicity o assist on speaker coordination/procurement, etc. o webmastering o archivist/history/retrieval/etc. o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrators). o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG "ought" to be doing or would be good to do (feel free to bring in ideas!)