BALUG 2007-09-18: John D. Mitchell, Krugle Chief Architect - Find and reuse code; etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contents: BALUG 2007-09-18: John D. Mitchell, Krugle Chief Architect - Find and reuse code door prizes - books, magazines, and other goodies BALUG 2007-10-16: Paddy Sreenivasan of Zmanda references ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For our 2007-09-18 BALUG meeting we are pleased to present: John D. Mitchell, Krugle Chief Architect - Find and reuse code
2007-09-18 John D. Mitchell, Chief Architect, Krugle[1]. Krugle[1] is a vertical search engine for developers and development teams. Krugle[1].com is a public search engine for open/free software while Krugle Enterprise[2] is for organizations. Krugle[1]'s built on top of a lot of F/OSS and deployed on LINUX. John D. Mitchell is the Chief Architect of Krugle -- a search engine for developers. Along with developing and rescuing distributed enterprise systems, John advises investors and executives on technology and high-tech companies. Over the past 15 years, he has been the CTO of ElasticMedia,, jGuru and the MageLang Institute. John co-authored Making Sense of Java: A Guide for Managers and the Rest of Us. He was the founder and contributing editor of the Tips & Tricks column at JavaWorld. John writes extensively on complex systems, development processes, computer languages and protocols, open source and intellectual property, and technological business risk management. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door prizes!
Yes, we still have giveaway items (books, magazines, etc.)[4] At least presently, this is mostly stuff we got from/via LinuxWorld - mostly generously donated books for User Groups from various publishers, but also including other items (e.g. t-shirt(s), etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For our 2007-10-16 BALUG meeting we are pleased to present: 2007-10-16 Paddy Sreenivasan of Zmanda[3] (watch future announcement(s) for more details) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
references: 1. 2. 3. stuff likely to show up as door prizes at BALUG and/or other UGs: 4. meeting time, location, and lots of other great BALUG information: Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG)