BALUG 2007-08-21: Ryan & Isabela Fernandes Bagueros - How to Start a Community Colo; etc.
Contents: BALUG 2007-08-21: Ryan & Isabela Fernandes Bagueros - How to Start a Community Colo; etc. meeting fee $13.00 (includes dinner) door prizes - books, magazines, and other goodies BALUG fortune cookie! references ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For our 2007-08-21 BALUG meeting we are pleased to present: Ryan & Isabela Fernandes Bagueros - How to Start a Community Colo
[Editor's note: lots of exciting stuff: technical/legal considerations, experiences and lessons learned, educational and mentoring opportunities, much etc.]
San Francisco Community Colo is a node in a larger network of non-profit colocation facilities springing up around the country. CCP's leverage community participation to drive down the costs of server colocation by evenly distributing costs within a transparent, open organization.
This enables non-profits and community groups to rack their servers in high-availability, high-speed facilities at an affordable cost. We will discuss organizational logistics that we've learned and we'll also talk about the practical and philosophical reasons for building and supporting non-commercial Internet infrastructure.
Ryan Bagueros has worked in the Internet industry for over 10 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was head of engineering at, one of the fastest growing social networking websites today, and went on to found his own company,, an open source business with offices in North & South America.
Isabela Fernandes Bagueros helped build one of Latin America's largest independent media networks in Brazil. She's also worked with the federal government of Brazil, migrating their systems to open source, free software. She now lives in the SF Bay Area, working on a number of digital media and open source projects, including the San Francisco Community Colo.
San Francisco Community Colocation Project[1] meeting time, location, and lots of other great BALUG information[9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALUG meeting fee has been increased to $13.00 - still a great deal!
For that relative bargain price you get: wonderful folks to hang out with and talk LINUX and related stuff generally quite ample portions of good Chinese food (we share "family style", and I think it typically includes about seven or more different dishes prepared for us) often/typically (but not always) a speaker/presentation sometimes also door prize giveaways (e.g. books, t-shirts) tax and tip is already included
This is the first time the restaurant has gotten any more out of us since at least 1999-02-16[2] and probably the very beginnings of BALUG and our very first meeting (the restaurant will now be getting $12.00 per person from us - including tax and tip; the additional $1.00 of the $13.00 goes towards buying dinner for speaker(s) and other miscellaneous BALUG expenses - it wasn't until 2005-11-15[3] that we added that $1.00 to at least partially cover such BALUG expenses).
Door prizes!
Yes, we have some giveaway items (books, magazines, etc.)[4] At least presently, this is mostly stuff we got from/via LinuxWorld - mostly generously donated books for User Groups from various publishers, but also including other items (e.g. t-shirt(s), DVDs/CDs, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALUG fortune cookies![5]
Yes, we gave away a lot of fortune cookies at LinuxWorld Expo, with one side of the "fortune" having a custom printed BALUG message. Most of the fortune cookies were given away at LinuxWorld, but we do (or at least did) have some left over. We hope to have at least some for our 2007-08-21 BALUG meeting, so folks can at least see them if they've not yet seen them, and we might possibly still have some for folks to help distribute. Much thanks to[6] and other BALUG contributors for making this possible. (one side of the "fortune" has promotional message - did cover significantly over half of the fortune cookie production costs). We also, at least "temporarily", changed the main BALUG web page a bit to tie in with the LinuxWorld fortune cookie giveaway, and did also create an additional web page with a bit more information on the BALUG fortune cookies. Expect to see some more information on there hopefully relatively soon (when webmaster(s) have a bit more time to update that stuff a more completely). We're still also looking for some digital pictures of the fortune cookies[7][8].
references: 1. San Francisco Community Colocation Project meeting cost history: 2. 3. stuff likely to show up as door prizes at BALUG and/or other UGs: 4. 5. BALUG fortune cookies!: 6. 7. BALUG fortune cookie pictures?: 8. 9. meeting time, location, and lots of other great BALUG information: Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG)