BALUG REMINDER: TOMORROW Tu 2011-06-21: Stefano Maffulli: Get to know the FreedomBox project
Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG) meeting Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2011-06-21
Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).
For our Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2011-06-21 meeting, we're proud to present:
2011-06-21 Stefano Maffulli on FreedomBox[1] Title: Get to know the FreedomBox project
Abstract: The FreedomBox is a generation of smart devices whose engineered purpose is to work together to facilitate free communication among people, safely and securely, beyond the ambition of the strongest power to penetrate, they can make freedom of thought and information a permanent, ineradicable feature of the net that holds our souls.
The project started because social networking and digital communications technologies are now critical to people fighting to make freedom in their societies. Think of the revolutions in the Egypt and Lybia.
Stefano Maffulli will give an overview of the aim of the project, give an update on its status and provide information to start hacking on it.
Stefano Maffulli, long time free/libre software advocate, former Italian Chancellor of Free Software Foundation Europe, helped Europe reject the directive on software patents and in the European antitrust trial against Microsoft. Worked as community manager for open source company Funambol and later at Twitter, taking care of user growth in Italy. Currently helping the FreedomBox Foundation reach its goal.
See also a bit further below for some additional goodies we'll have at this meeting (CDs, etc.)
So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:
**Why RSVP??**
Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and dining arrangements and such. We've also tweaked our "door prize" / giveaway practices a bit - so RSVPing and arriving sufficiently on time increases one's odds of winning door prize(s) and/or getting first or earlier pick of giveaway items.
Meeting Details...
6:30pm Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 2011-06-21
Four Seas Restaurant 731 Grant Ave. San Francisco, CA 94108 Easy PARKING: Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny:
Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13 cash, we give you a gift of dinner - joining us for a yummy family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).
CDs, etc.:
Additional goodies we'll have at the meeting (at least the following):
CDs, etc. - have a peek here: We do also have some additional give-away items, and may have "door prizes".
earlier additional details: