A bit interesting b/c even before further adjusting BALUG-Test3 mailing-list subscriber settings, could already view prior archived postings directly via https://lists.balug.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/balug-test3@lists.balug.org... by way of the [possibly] more private Tor browser. Already able to view by Tor all of BALUG's mailing lists at https://lists.balug.org/ including the "older" specific Mailman 2 BALUG-Test list https://lists.balug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/balug-test
While can similarly access via the Tor browser the Bay Area's technically-related Noisebridge Hackerspace ( https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Noisebridge ), and even that as a non-subscriber, cannot similarly access Oakland's NB-variant and no doubt fluorishing SudoRoom ( https://sudoroom.org/ ) Its Tor browser 403 error msg consistently displayed as: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ quoting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "403 - Forbidden. Note: Tor has been blocked from accessing this website due to spammer abuse. Please connect without a proxy for access. Contact sudo-discuss-owner AT sudoroom DOT org if you believe this is a mistake." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
One idea for Michael Or Other Possible BALUG.org Admins(*) pending any possible BALUG-lists-targeting spammers, is similarly as sudoroom.org to consider blocking Tor if that should prove necessary(?)
* the MOOPBA's is of course _not_ the pithy name of a leadoff band preluding the Rolling Stones's big Wednesday concert at Levi's Stadium! ;-D